Adopting a pet brings an incomparable amount of joy and love to your life. And as a responsible pet parent, it’s crucial to ensure your pet’s health is always a top priority. The journey from a shelter to a forever home can be stressful for your adopted dog, and this often impacts their weight, either causing weight loss due to anxiety or stress, or weight gain due to overfeeding and a sudden change in diet.
A successful weight management plan for your adopted pet begins with understanding their unique needs. During the initial adoption phase, your dog might be dealing with separation anxiety, which can result in loss of appetite and subsequent weight loss. In such cases, it is crucial to offer consistent feeding times with nutrient-rich food, to promote healthy weight gain.
On the other end of the spectrum, some dogs might stress-eat or overeat when they are introduced to a new home. Here, it’s necessary to impose portion control by measuring your dog’s food and offering regular meals rather than free-feeding.
Working with your vet is essential during this phase. They can correctly assess your pet’s ideal weight and provide a tailored diet plan to help attain and maintain this weight. Regularly weighing your dog at home can also help track the progress.
While diet is the cornerstone of weight management, exercise plays an equally important role. Ensuring daily walks, playtimes, or even dog sports can keep your dog active while strengthening your bond.
Managing the weight of your adopted dog might sound like a challenge, but remember – patiency and consistency are key. Embrace this journey, which not only contributes to the health and happiness of your furry friend, but also enhances the beautiful bond between you and your new companion.